Five Good Reasons For Your Participation!
Meeting point for potato growers from Middle East and Turki Republics
Get together with contractor fims and farmers and its decision makers
Exchange know-how; latest technology and innovations will be presented on trial fields and machine demonstration area
Meet with farmers who produce 2,5 mio ton potatoes on 670.000 ha
Only and unique exhibition from soli preparation to the market consisting of whole production chain of potato production
Potato seed varieties, seed importers
Soil additives
Seed cleaning and culting technology
Seed treatment agents
Row independent and row dependent soil culitvators
Bed forming and stone and clod separation technology
Drip, sprinkler, pivot,flood irrigation technology
Field monitoring,plant scouting and drone technology
Plant protection and fertilisers as well as application machinery
Mechanical weed control
Harvest preparation:haulm desiccation machnery, chemical desiccants
Harvesting machinery